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Mock Interviews with AI

Land your next tech job by
practicing behavioral and technical interviews 

Talk-Based Interviews
Improve Communication

Study for your interviews by practicing what you'll say and how you'll say it. The interviewer will ask follow up questions just like the real thing.

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Learn to Pass
Coding Interviews

Simulate technical interviews including data structures and algorithm coding. Explaining your solution along the way and ask for hints from the Interviewer.

Get Feedback Immediately

See how you did based on rubrics that Hiring Managers at top tech companies use to score you interview. Practice again with new skills in mind.

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We Help Various Roles in Tech

Software Engineering

Product Management

Product Marketing Managers

Web Development

UX Design

Data Science

Business Administration


Cloud Engineering

IT Management

Network Engineering

Machine Learning Engineering

What Our Users Are Saying

On a Tablet
"English is my third language. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to use The Dev Difference to feel more confident talking to people."


Junior, Georgia Institute of Technology

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